Toowoomba First Nations Allies

Listening – Learning – Connecting

February meeting

Catholic Social Justice Commission Office 123 Neil Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia

Guest speaker at our monthly meeting for February will be Julie Conway who will talk about up-cycling of Yes23 badges to highlight the Uluru statement and her ideas about creative forms of activism.


Brooching the Subject Workshop

93 Aberdeen Street, Rangeville 93 Aberdeen Street, RANGEVILLE, Queensland, Australia

Julie Conway will share simple techniques to repurpose Yes badges as conversation starter brooches as a way of saying we are building on the Yes campaign and supporting the Uluru Statement from the Heart in its entirety: Voice, Truth and Treaty. This is the first of a series of workshops and will be limited to […]


Is that you, Ruthie?

Cremorne Theatre Queensland Performing Arts Centre, Melbourne St, South Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Buthalangi and Munya’s story.A mother and daughter’s journey back. Written and Directed by Leah Purcell. Based on the books written by Dr Ruth Hegarty Is That You, Ruthie? (first published by the University of Queensland Press in 1999)  and Buthalangi: A Maranoa Woman (published by Dr Ruth Hegarty in 2022). Is That You, Ruthie? is a poignant exploration of a mother […]

March meeting

Catholic Social Justice Commission Office 123 Neil Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia

Regular monthly meeting


Sunday Book Club

10 Stirling Street 10 Stirling Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia

The group will be reading and discussing Sorry and Beyond by Brian Butler and John Bond. It was published in 2021 and is available in paperback and eBook formats. The publisher’s site (linked above) has this to say: Thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, like Brian Butler’s, have been coping with the trauma […]


April meeting

Catholic Social Justice Commission Office 123 Neil Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia

Regular monthly meeting


May meeting

Catholic Social Justice Commission Office 123 Neil Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia

Regular monthly meeting


June meeting

Catholic Social Justice Commission Office 123 Neil Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia

Regular monthly meeting


July meeting

Catholic Social Justice Commission Office 123 Neil Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia

Regular monthly meeting


August meeting

Catholic Social Justice Commission Office 123 Neil Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia

Regular monthly meeting


September meeting

Catholic Social Justice Commission Office 123 Neil Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia

Regular monthly meeting


October meeting

Catholic Social Justice Commission Office 123 Neil Street, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia

Regular monthly meeting
